One of the problems that is almost as old as human history is getting rid of unwanted hair. Before, trying to get rid of these hairs with primitive methods did not give effective results. After it worked for a short time, the hairs continued to grow bushy and stronger than before. Thanks to the developments made in the beauty industry, epilation devices began to enter our lives first. Both longer lasting and more effective results were obtained. As a result of the efforts to completely eliminate the problem, epilation devices continued to develop and appeared as laser epilation devices. Laser beams have become a technology that everyone can easily use. However, improper use can sometimes cause damage. For this reason, laser epilation devices are used with IPL technology so that everyone can use it comfortably at home. Thus, it is both easy to use and does not cause any problems on the skin. We will also tell you how to use the laser hair removal device at home.
What is IPL Laser Hair Removal?
IPL, which stands for Intense Pulse Light, is defined as epilation with intense light pulse. This technique is used in all new generation laser epilation devices used at home.
The majority of women who want to get rid of their hair permanently today prefer laser hair removal. In this way, the hair follicles under the skin are completely destroyed.
The new generation IPL technology, on the other hand, has fewer side effects than the old methods. In addition, faster results can be obtained by applying for a shorter time.
Why Should We Buy a Laser Hair Removal Device for Home Use?
Many beauty centers continue to apply laser epilation to get rid of your unwanted hair. It is possible to go to these beauty centers and have the procedure done. However, the cost of this process is quite high and you cannot be completely sure of its hygiene.
When you apply laser epilation at home, you both create a hygienic and comfortable environment for yourself, and you do it with more affordable costs.
When you go to beauty centers or clinics, you can get rid of your unwanted hair in the comfort of your home with a quality IPL laser epilation device that you will buy for yourself instead of paying for a few sessions.
What Should You Consider When Buying an IPL Laser Hair Removal Device?
As home laser hair removal technology continues to evolve, so does the number of users. Now many brands have new generation technology IPL laser epilation devices on the market. Since there are many different models, you should pay attention to some points when choosing among them.
Especially ease of use, price, permanence and effect of the operation are among the features that should be checked. Because each model has advantages and disadvantages. In this regard, it is much more useful to determine the models that meet your wishes and choose among them.
When choosing among the IPL laser epilation devices that you find suitable for you, you first check the number of shots. With the device, you shoot for each treatment you will apply to your hairy area. For this reason, the lifetime of the device with a higher number of shots is also longer than the others.
In addition, if you want to epilate not only your general body area but also different parts of your body, you cannot use the same laser head. The sensitivity of each part of your body is different. For this reason, the fact that there are title options that are compatible for different regions is also effective in choosing. The more variety it has, the more usage it has.
How to do Laser Hair Removal at Home?
While explaining how to use a laser hair removal device at home, the use of IPL laser hair removal devices is generally quite simple and safe. Most of them are designed in such a way that you can use them on your own. In addition, the technology used in it is completely adjusted to ensure your safety.
You can easily use it without burning your skin with different caps developed for sensitive areas of your body. In addition, the intensity of the beam sent to your skin has different degrees. If your skin is more resistant, you can use the high-intensity device, while if it is more delicate, you can lower the intensity.
At home, laser epilation devices can have different uses according to their models. For this, you must read the user manual inside your device. If you follow the steps there to the letter, you will get the most out of your application.
In general, the common point of all models is that the application should be done on dry and clean skin. After cleaning your skin, you make sure that it is completely dry, and then you can start the laser epilation application.
After attaching the appropriate headgear to your device, you adjust the intensity of the beam to be sent on the device. Then you hold the device on the area you will epilate. You have to adhere the device completely to your skin, but you do not need to press it tightly. In some models, you send the beam by pressing the button, in some models it is done automatically by this device. In order for the trigger to fire, you ensure that all points of the epilator’s mouth contact your skin. After pressing a little, the device automatically sends the beam.
After sending the beam to a point, you continue by placing the device right next to that point. You continue this process until you apply it to the entire area where you will epilate. If it hurts in the first application, you can reduce the beam intensity by one level. Continuing the procedure even though it hurts may cause you to burn your skin.
Detailed information on how long to hold the device to your skin, at what levels and how to use it is in the user manual of the device. Since there will be different uses for each device, you should not start the application without reading the manual.
Tips for Laser Epilation at Home
When you pay attention to some points while doing laser hair removal at home, you can achieve more efficient results.
The laser epilation device sends a beam sensitive to the black color on your skin. It detects the black spots in the area where you hold the device and sends a high degree of light to those spots, allowing the hair follicles to sleep.
For this reason, you should avoid applications that remove hair from the root, such as waxing, before epilating. Shaving the area to be epilated first with a razor and then laser epilation a few days later provides more effective results. In this way, the hair follicles emerge more clearly and ensure that the area is completely cleaned.
If you have moles or blackheads on your body, applying laser epilation to those areas can have dangerous results. The device detects the black me as a hair root and sends the beam to that area and burns it. Burning moles or blackheads can cause damage to your skin.
In addition, you do not use laser hair removal after tanning in the summer. Since your skin will be completely black, it can cause permanent skin spots.
When we say how many weeks should be done at home laser epilation, if you are starting to use the laser epilation device for the first time, you perform your first sessions every two weeks. You repeat the biweekly sessions 3 or 4 times. Details of this information are in the user manual of your device. You determine your periods according to the information written there.
After completing your two-week sessions, you are already starting to see the effects of the device. Your hair starts to disappear locally or become weaker. When you start laser hair removal, you must continue regularly. Otherwise, after a while, your hair starts to grow back as before and you have to start all over again. For this reason, it is important to stick to the periods in the user manual for you to get efficiency from the device.
In addition, laser epilation must be applied to clean and dry skin. Using the appropriate head for the area you will apply allows you to complete the process without hurting sensitive areas.