Credit card is the most widely used payment method during shopping today. One of the most important reasons for this is that it provides customers with the convenience of shopping within minutes. So much so that it is now even possible to make contactless, fast, easy and reliable payments without the need for a credit card password. In summary, payment processes are accelerating day by day depending on the development speed of technology.
Of course, problems such as power cuts, magnetic disturbances, device failures may occur during these processes. At this point, alternative solutions are needed for businesses. Mail order is also made using a credit card; but it is an alternative payment method when faced with all these problems. You can find more information about mail order in this article.
What is Mail Order?
Mail order is a payment method used when payment cannot be received with a POS device using a credit card. If the customer is physically in the business, the mail order method is generally used when other methods that can be made with a credit card are tried and are not successful. These can be problems with the magnetic of the credit card, malfunctions with the POS device, problems with the Internet connection or power outage.
The only advantage of the mail order method is not to create an alternative to such problems experienced within the enterprise; To be able to receive payments in scenarios where credit card and POS device are not in the same environment. In other words, the customer who forgets his credit card at home and the customer who is miles away from the business can complete their shopping thanks to mail order.
The credit card to be used for payment by mail order must be open to this process. credit cards; It can be easily opened for mail order via bank customer service, internet banking or mobile banking applications. Those who want to close their cards with this method for different reasons can do the same.
The mail order limit is an important point to consider when shopping with this method. This limit is directly proportional to the credit card’s own limit. In other words, a separate limit is not created for mail order. As long as the credit card limit of the person is sufficient, they can shop by mail order. With this method, both single payment and installment shopping can be made.
How to Make Mail Order?
Mail order for businesses can be made in two ways. The first of these is to manually enter credit card information on the POS device in the business. This information is as follows: Number, expiration date and security code (CVV) on the card.
This method is generally preferred when you are physically present in businesses and the credit card does not work due to any problem.
In the second method, the business that wants to receive payment sends a mail order form to its customer. The customer who will make the payment writes his identity information, card information (card number, expiration date and CVV) and the amount to be paid on this form. After the customer signs the mail order form, which he has filled in correctly and completely, the business also checks the form and, if everything is correct, confirms the transaction by stamping and signing. In this way, the form is activated and the payment process begins.
This method is often used to pay customers who are physically away from the business. Telephone or fax can also be preferred to fill out the mail order form.
What Are the Advantages of Mail Order?
The advantages of the mail order method, which has been in our lives for a long time and are frequently used by many businesses, are listed as follows:
- The customer does not need to be physically in the business. In this way, even the customer living in a different city can shop from the mentioned business.
- If the credit card is open for use abroad, it is possible to make purchases from businesses abroad.
- The customer can complete his shopping even if his credit card is not with him.
- The mail order method is more convenient in terms of transaction fees.
What Are the Disadvantages of Mail Order?
As with any payment system, the mail order method also has some disadvantages. Since all card information is written while filling out the mail order forms, there is a risk that this information will be shared with any third party, stolen or lost. In order for this not to happen, both the seller business and the customer need to protect themselves.
How to Receive Payments with Mail Order?
Mail order payments are easily received from the bank, as in other transactions using credit cards. Payments received by mail order are transferred to the bank account to which the POS device of the enterprise is connected, usually within three days at the latest, although the duration varies from bank to bank. The amount deposited into the account can be withdrawn on the same day, depending on the agreement with the bank.
Is Mail Order Safe?
Mail order is used by many businesses as it offers the opportunity to pay without the physical need for a credit card. For safer mail order transactions, businesses can use different security measures. For example, obtaining approval from the cardholder in different ways, such as a copy of the identity card, written or verbal statement, makes the mail order process more secure.
In addition, the fact that businesses keep their mail order forms securely provides an extra protection against the possibility of information being stolen. In short, the reliability of both individuals and institutions is of great importance when paying by mail order.