In short, a satellite is expressed as a celestial body that seems to revolve around a planet or a different satellite in a fixed orbit. The concept of natural satellite is named to avoid confusion with artificial satellites. Natural satellites can also be called “natural satellites”. An example of natural satellites is the Moon, which is the only natural satellite of the Earth. In addition, the word “Moon” can also be used as a generic noun in the sense of natural satellite.
Natural satellites can also be defined as celestial bodies formed by natural events. In order for these satellites to be described as “natural”, they must not have been created under human influence. It can be thought that natural satellites revolve around celestial bodies or different satellites. However, in fact, these celestial bodies or different satellites can rotate around an existing center depending on mass differences. Because the massively large celestial body or different satellites are closer to the center, it may be thought that the smaller-mass object revolves around the larger object. In fact, both objects revolve around a center.
What Are the Characteristics of Natural Satellites?
Natural satellites can be called by this name because they are not man-made, formed around natural events, and differ from artificial satellites. The size of a natural satellite can be smaller than the planet it revolves around or a different moon. This is due to the attractive force exerted on the smaller object around the gravity of the larger object. Natural satellites rotate at the central focus, where they are connected with the celestial bodies of which they are satellites. The status of a celestial body as a natural satellite is determined by the mass relationship and proximity of the celestial body to the center. The massive celestial body is closer to the center, and the smaller celestial body stays away from the center and can travel longer towards the center. For this reason, the celestial body, which is small in mass, can be defined as a natural satellite.
Differences Between Natural Satellite and Artificial Satellite
Natural satellites are formed naturally. Artificial satellites can be created by humans for various purposes. While natural satellites cannot be controlled by humans, artificial satellites can be controlled by humans. While natural satellites live longer, artificial satellites can have an expiration date. Artificial satellites can be produced for various purposes. Artificial satellites produced for television and telephone calls can be called communication satellites. Weather forecasting, following storms, pollution in the world; Artificial satellites produced for espionage and satellite photography, that is, to obtain information about the world, can be defined as earth observation satellites. Artificial satellites produced for the Global Positioning System (GPS) are called navigation satellites.
Natural Satellites Found in the Solar System
There are 8 celestial bodies in the planet definition in our solar system. Except for two planets in the solar system, all planets have natural satellites. Mercury, the smallest planet in the solar system, and Venus, the third smallest planet in the solar system, are stated as two planets that do not have natural satellites.
The only large natural satellite of our planet, Earth, compared to other planets, turns out to be the Moon. Among the planets in the solar system, Mars, which is more similar to Earth, has two small, asteroid-sized natural satellites called Phobos and Deimos. A natural satellite called Phobos is slowly spiraling toward Mars. There are predictions that this natural satellite will fall to the surface of Mars or break up in a few thousand years. Apart from these two planets, natural satellite armies of various planets are mentioned. Jupiter is said to have 69 known natural satellites, Saturn 53, Uranus 27, and Neptune 13 or 14. The specified number of satellites may increase with new researches. It is stated that Pluto, where there is debate about whether it is a planet or a dwarf planet, has five natural satellites.
Saturn, which draws attention with its rings, is also known as the planet with the most detected natural satellites of the solar system. The planet Saturn has 82 known natural satellites. Titan, one of the remarkable natural satellites of the planet Saturn, is known as the only celestial body other than Earth with various liquids on its surface. Since the surface temperature of the Titan natural satellite is extremely low, it can be observed that its surface is covered with glaciers. However, it is stated that Titan’s surface temperature is not cold enough to remain liquid methane and ethane.
The presence of various liquids on the planet Titan may suggest the possibility of encountering life on this natural satellite. However, it is known that no signs of life have been observed on this planet in the investigations made so far. Still, scientists say water is found on Europa, the smallest of the four Galilean moons orbiting Saturn’s other natural moon Enceladus and Jupiter. Investigations continue on the possibility of life on these natural satellites.
There are 240 natural satellites discovered so far in the solar system. Of these natural satellites, 163 are on planets, 4 on minor planets, and the rest on small celestial bodies.
There are two types of natural satellites, normal and irregular. Normal natural satellites can be defined as satellites that move similarly to the massive celestial body to which they are attached. Irregular natural satellites are expressed as natural satellites that have entered orbit under the influence of another celestial body.
How Are Natural Satellites Detected?
There are some sky study tools for observing natural satellites. Natural satellites can be detected with the help of telescopes and space probes. In addition, natural satellites can be observed by performing various flights. The natural satellites of asteroids that pass close to the earth can be detected on the radars of space stations.
What is the Rotation Principle of Natural Satellites?
Contrary to popular belief, a celestial body does not rotate around the other celestial body. Two celestial bodies rotate around their center. In the rotation process around this center point, the object with more mass among the celestial bodies is closer to the center point. For this reason, the celestial body with less mass makes more rotational motion than the object with more mass. In this case, the celestial body with less mass can be defined as a natural satellite. For example, due to the mass difference between the Earth and its natural satellite, the Moon, since the Earth is closer to the center, the Moon may appear as if it revolves around the Earth. If there are two celestial bodies whose masses are close to each other or the same as each other, then these two bodies can be expressed as a binary system instead of calling one of the objects a natural satellite.