It started on June 11, 2001, when Google started sharing all over the world with its users using satellite data with Google Earth. Thanks to its later developments and updates, Google; It allowed us to study various galaxies, stars, constellations, Mars and the Moon in the solar system. With its prominent innovations as Google Sky, Google Mars and Google Moon, Google; Working with scientists, it improves its services every day and continues to attract the attention of users. In particular, Google Sky, a version of Google Earth, is followed with interest by many people who are interested in astronomy and want to explore the universe. So for those who don’t know, what is Google Sky? What does Google Sky do? Here are all the curiosities about Google Sky…
Collaboration between Google and Scientists: Google Sky
On August 22, 2007, Google introduced the Google Sky feature with the purpose of exploring the sky in Google Earth version 4.2. With the Google Sky development, Google provides users with; It provided the opportunity to view stars, constellations, galaxies and other celestial bodies. Google Sky; It was produced in partnership with Google and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, the science operations center for the Hubble Space Telescope. Astrophysicist Alberto Conti and Dr. Alongside the public images, Carol Christian shared all the color images and new footage from the archive with the Google company. Google over time; Sloan Digital Sky Survey developed Google Sky with data and images from sources such as the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA’s Chandra X-Ray satellite. With new data added every day, Google Sky continues to stay up to date and evolve.
On Earth with Google Earth; A Chance to Travel the Universe with Google Sky
Google Sky is used as the sky mode of Google Earth. While Google Earth enables to travel around the world; Google Sky allows you to travel in space. As the cities of the world are visited in Google Earth; In Google Sky, a “street view” of the universe can be studied by visiting planets far beyond the galaxy and other places in space. Google Sky makes it possible to explore the far reaches of the universe from computers or smartphones. The possibility of exploring the universe and browsing its different parts gives excitement to the users. One can easily move from one galaxy to another by dragging and clicking the mouse or tapping the screen with the finger.
How to Use Google Sky?
Google Sky can be opened both on its own and via Google Earth. The images seen on Google Sky are the same as those found on Sky in Google Earth.
You can drag the view from anywhere or use the arrow keys to move anywhere on the map. To zoom in or out, you can press the plus and minus keys, use the mouse scroll button, or drag up and down from the zoom section.
Google Sky also allows to examine different views of the universe. On maps that offer three different views; infrared, microwave and date options are offered. In infrared mode, infrared images of the universe are displayed. In microwave mode, the microwave view of the universe is given again. In the date option, historical maps of the sky are displayed. Transparency can be adjusted in all these modes.
Thanks to Google Sky, users can view the star, constellation or galaxy they want to see by typing them into the search engine. It is also possible to see a specific location in the sky by simply entering the coordinates. Movements of constellations and planets can be observed. Google Sky also gives its users the opportunity to listen to the broadcasts and research of astronomy experts. With Google Sky, it is also possible to mark a favorite region in the sky, share this view via link and send it to others. Likewise, any selected image can be printed.
For those who love astronomy and are curious about the universe: Google Sky
While studying Google Sky, you can also improve yourself in the field of astronomy by taking advantage of the resources available on Google. Google Sky is also frequently used by teachers in schools. Google Sky is especially interesting for students taking astronomy classes and allows them to learn better. It is closely followed by people who take up astronomy as a hobby and are interested in the sky and space. For those who are curious about galaxies, planets, stars, constellations and those who want to explore the depth of the universe, Google’s “Google Sky” service offers a unique experience. With Google Sky, you can explore the universe and the depths of the universe from your smartphone, tablet or computer at any time.